Hi ladies,
The time prior to conception fascinates me! It can be a challenging time. A time of apprehension, particularly for those with a perfectionist streak! (My hand is up!). Am I doing everything I can? Is this the right detox? Should I be...A, B or C?!! Arghhh!
I want to take the pressure off and give you one easy thing you can start doing. One thing that will ADD nourishment to your body, tone your organs, nourish your stressed out nervous system, clear your skin up, support your liver and more. One thing I strongly believe in is ADDing goodness in, not taking away. By adding nutrition and nourishment we end up crowding out those things that don't serve our body.
Herbs are one way of adding nourishment to our bodies and by placing them in food (hot drinks, smoothies, dinner, sprinkled on breakfast), we are also adding nutrition at the same time. It is as easy way to tone, detox, cleanse and support out body. Powdered herbs are a great way of adding some supportive herbs in. By keeping your body toned and your organs in tip top shape our body is easily able to stay on top of the day to day stressors, without getting too far behind, then feeling like "oh my gosh I think I need to go on a one week retreat in Thailand to give back to my body!". Don't get me wrong, sometimes these tunes up are needed - but we can save those for another discussion.
I have found just the perfect herbal company to allow us both to do this! One that I wholly trust and love their range *Superfeast*. I have been testing these for you everyday for the last 6 months. I am loving them.
Some herbs that I use daily are: Reishi, He She Wu, Chaga, Beauty Blend, Mason's Mushrooms & I'm yet to crack open the Lion's Mane. I generally pick 2 from my selection. This morning I added Reishi & Mason's Mushrooms to my plunger coffee. Yesterday I added the same to my smoothie as that is what I'm loving at the moment! Here is a run down of what these beautiful herbs can do for your body:
Reishi: Such a beautiful herb. Reishi brings peace to the body, mind and spirit. It is known as the herb of immortality...perfect for longevity. It improves liver detox, better immune function and mental clarity. By adding it to your food you are allowing your body to receive more. It is an adaptogenic herb that allows your body to adapt to changes and support the side effects of stress (depressed immune system, fatigue, hormone imbalances, sleep issues and digestive issues to name a handful). Sleep quality is of high importance when preparing to create a baby - it is the time when our body regenerates and recalibrates. Hormonally, this amazing herb helps to convert excess testosterone (which is a problem in conditions like Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome).
He She Wu: This guy is perfect for supporting your adrenals. It is a tonic herb, meaning it tones organs in the body and therefore has life extending capacity. If you are a coffee drinker at the moment, consider adding a teaspoon to your coffee, so that you are not draining your adrenals while enjoying your coffee. By adding herbs your coffee becomes an elixir. Who wants to wake up and brew an elixir each morning?! ...ME! If you wake tired, you may also decide to better yet, ditch the coffee and brew a He She Wu cuppa with hot water and honey.
Chaga: Such a powerful antioxidant! Chaga is grown on Birch trees. It is also an adaptogenic herb and assists the body's natural capacity to resist stress. Wow! Who doesn't want that?! We've all got a lot or a little stress in our lives, right? It's damaging. So use this support tool! Chaga is also great for combating viruses and free radicals (damaging our cells and DNA). You may choose to simply add 1 tsp to water, steep for 5mins, then add some honey and enjoy. I love to add a dash of CocoQuench to mine :)
Beauty Blend: This baby is a detox blend. When we support our liver and detoxification organs we improve our skin. From the inside out. With a host of antioxidants, minerals and vitamin C this combination contains goji berry, longan berry, schizandra and micro-ground pearl powder. Wow! Beautiful alright. Your cells, organs, skin and liver will all be saying THANK YOU.
Mason's Mushrooms: This is a specialty blend of mushrooms made by the owner of Superfeast, Mason Taylor. These mushrooms boost your immune system, balance your hormone, strengthen your body to stress, while nourishing your nervous system. The blend contains: Chaga, Reishi, Maitake, Shiitake, Lion's Mane, Agaricus Blazei, Poria and Cordyceps. I have found this mix beautiful to add to my 100% banana ice cream with beetroot powder. What a pimped up powerhouse snack it is! Any herb that helps balance your hormones (generally through liver support) is wanted, as it makes it easier to track your cycle and know when you are ovulating for conception.
Mason's Mushroom Ice cream... Mmmmm
Lion's Mane: This is our brain support herb! It is also a tonic herb and nourishes your nervous system. Perfect if you are one of those anxious types. The effect on the brain from this herb, helps to repair and reverse any neurodegenerative disease.
1. You can place 1 tsp in a mug with boiling water, let it steep for 5mins, then add a dash of dairy-free mylk and a bit of honey. You may choose to mix 2 herbs together?! Another elixir you may choose to create is a delicious hot cacao drink/hot chocolate or adding them to your coffee. Sometimes I also just let my brew steep and cool - drinking it cold or even iced. I loved the bitterness.
2. You can add 1tsp to your smoothie or home made 100% blended banana/berry/mango ice cream?!
3. There is nothing stopping you from sprinkling these on your chia pudding or quinoa porridge for breakfast or over your dinner of a night.
One thing you can do to help me out is use this affiliate link when ordering your Superfeast herbs (or simply type seedsofhealt10 into the coupon code when at the checkout) to receive 10% off your order. In return I will continue to provide information about these herbs via my Facebook or Instagram pages with recipe ideas and creations. I am also here to answer any of your questions regarding your health. Much gratitude. Happy herb shopping! Let's get our bodies supported and in alignment for creating new life :)
Janelle x