Nourishment, simplicity & joy around food

Six weeks support to reconnect to food


Janelle’s bio:

I was born in Queensland, Australia but spent my first 5 years in Victoria on endless camping trips, visits to the art gallery or in our cubby in the backyard. My favourite place was in the bush on camping trips or at my cousin’s farm, scoffing mangoes on the grass at my Grandmas, wearing togs or the clothes Mum had made me.

Yet despite my early appreciation for nature, ‘healthy eating’ was something I thought our family did yet I soon realised the powdered ‘low fat’ skim milk was not the best idea!

I first encountered my own major health challenge when, as a 7-year-old, I developed severe eczema that, at one point, covered my entire body from head to toe. Then, upon becoming a teen, my massive journey with acne began. But, the blessing is that these skin issues spurred me to explore, research and try pretty much everything that might improve my health – from medication and steroid creams to allergy tests and even an intense liver-cleansing diet at the age of 13.

Since my childhood and teens, my journey with acne, constipation, eczema and depression has taken me down some pretty interesting roads, leading me to study anything and everything related to health and wellness, always seeking TRUTH with a willingness to dive deeper. 

I became passionate about voting with our dollar, eco-living and a low-tox life. I then began to approach wellbeing in a very holistic way…always shifting, and best viewed from multiple angles. I immersed myself in the search for answers. I studied metaphysics & how our emotions weave their way through our physical being & psyche impacting our wellness. Eventually I combined fasting into the mix & this powerful combination was born where I guide women back to empowered ease, self-love & fun with a myriad of protocols.

I found my way to that sweet spot where my health finally felt balanced, and I could appreciate basking in feeling good on all levels.



“I am feeling fantastic. Light, energetic and strong. At aqua fit yesterday I had more energy than ever and felt very strong, which is surprising to me as I always thought I needed food to feel that. I can’t remember the last time I felt this good. Thanks again for a really wonderful experience” - Loraine.