1. Forgetting to care for themselves
This is a big one to consider. It seems to be easy for us as women to consider others first. Life gets busy and we put everything bar ourselves first - the blog is more important, the shopping needs to be done, I need to get back to that person, I don't have time for meditation, etc. BUT, by nourishing ourselves our tank is full to give to others.
It is vital for us to make time to nourish ourselves - whether that be through movement and fresh air, taking time out to eat our wholesome lunch MINDFULLY without emails/phones/etc, or perhaps the practice of journaling for 10 minutes each morning. However short or long, find something that suits your timetable and your needs. What is your biggest need? Is it time in nature, connecting with your partner, simply stopping and staring at the sky while enjoying a cup of tea, meditation, exercise, reading? Make time for it. It must be scheduled in and treated as a priority.
The element of self care and self love has been a very strong message for me this year.
The grounds of my 10 day silent retreat...space, fresh air, (snow!), gumtrees, birds & my own thoughts...
2. Not listening to their own intuition
This is a big one for me. I continue to flex my intuition muscle and strengthen it. Trusting in the person that I am and the journey that I'm on, with my own internal compass as a guide.
As you know my retreat was going to go ahead in October this year, however it didn't. I could have beat myself up and dwell on it - but to be honest I thought oh well I'll try again next year. Sure, there were feelings of disappointment and failure, but for the most part, I thought, let's choose another date.
It was during my Vipassana retreat that I realised it was perhaps all happening too soon. However, with the wheels in motion I just went with it and thought - everything is planned, so if it's meant to be it will be.
It was just after my Vipassana retreat that I closed the chapter of working with my original business coach. I felt we weren't in alignment as I had originally hoped and this message came through so strongly while I sat for 10 days in silence. So, I closed that door and thought "I've totally got this". I've learnt so much thus far and now I'd like to really test myself and trust that inner confidence. It wasn't long before I stepped into the unknown that a gorgeous friend recommended I connect with an inspiring soul (which I did via Skype on my birthday) who may just be able to offer a little insight to keep the momentum going. Well...what a fabulous choice it has been, to close one door and watch another so perfectly open. I am so glad that I spoke up and honoured that inner voice and intuition.
The biggest lesson I have learnt (and felt) from this sequence of events in the lead up to my 9 day retreat (which I'm sure you can understand is no small undertaking) is to really explain what I am offering from a very honest and open place. Why do I feel this retreat is so valuable? What is it about the Seeds Of Health evolution that makes me believe in this retreat so much? Have I let my community know that every piece of the puzzle has been carefully considered in order to offer individuals the perfect chance at optimal health and the beginning (or continuation) of a journey which will support your entire being?
Perhaps I should honour that voice in my head and take this extra time to reassess all aspects of my marketing for the retreat? Is my message clear? Do people really know what they are going to receive as part of this 9 day retreat?
3. Not fully believing in themselves and showing who they really are
I simply love being me - when I allow myself to be me. That feeling when I'm really owning who I am and speaking and acting from that place of truth. When I'm making choices that show my whole self and my true self.
Where do you not believe in yourself or show who you really are?
This year I have really learnt the beauty of being soft on myself and listening to my inner voice. It is okay to say no. It is okay to juggle a little less. It is okay to create space and simply do nothing. Vipassana gave me the beauty of sitting with things.
Why have I not given myself permission to constantly choose from a space of softness and a space of honouring my true self? Why could I not choose to soften when the wheels were in motion?
I now feel I am working from more of a heart space than a head space. All the planning is done and now it is up to me to share with you all the details and the reason why this 9 day retreat will change your life! Having spent almost 9 months planning and designing it, it is time to share those juicy details with you. I have my first FREE event on Saturday 5th December, 2pm, Cominos House, so please note it in your dairies!
I look forward to seeing you there!
Janelle x