Quinoa porridge breaky

This one is so easy & delicious. Quinoa is a seed not a grain & has more protein in it than oats or rice flakes. Also gluten free!

It honestly is as simple as doing the following 5min cook up:

1 cup quinoa flakes (you can use normal quinoa it will just take longer & I feel tastes more intense for breakfast)

1/2 cup milk of your choice (oat milk, Bonsoy, CocoQuench, almond milk, etc)

1/4 cup water

Cook on low in a saucepan until the liquid has been absorbed & the flakes are soft.

Stir in 1 tbsp nut butter or tahini (if you are wanting a more filling breakfast)

Add 2 tbsp coconut yogurt

Dress with sliced fig, berries &/or pear plus LSA & optional honey/maple syrup.

Eat while still warm as everything mixes together a lot better & the flavours merge.

Let me know what you think in the comments below! I have been loving this mix as the weather has cooled.


Cacao smoothies, Green Juices & Sourdough

I had so much coriander from the local market that I decided to make some pesto with it.

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