Rewiring the toxic masculine - Johnny Foreman


John Foreman - Speaker, Naturopath, Exercise Scientist, Educator & Coach Teaching self care and self mastery for the real world.

Inspiring people to inspire themselves.

Johnny whole-heartedly believes that the keys to thriving health and vitality are within you. That Gratitude and Love are the heart of healing. That your heart and your mind are the greatest apothecary on Earth. Johnny's true passion lies in guiding people back to their heart, and to the thriving state of health that is every human's birthright.

Johnny is known for helping people navigate all of the conflicting information out there and discovering what truly nourishes every part of the holistic human being that you are.

Key points:

  • Root cause medicine.

  • Subconscious patterns can keep us stuck in our destructive behaviours which doesn't allow us to get maximum benefit from our lifestyle & nutrition changes.

  • Men can tend to stand in the shadows for fear of being ridiculed.

  • Feeling safe is essential to change!

  • Triune brain - the 3 checkpoints of the brain. All information that comes into our senses has to get through all 3 checkpoints to be deemed safe. Our emotion then creates a very powerful subconscious program which fires up instinctively in the future when in the same scenario potentially causing distress. Dealing with conflict, intimacy, etc.

  • Joe Dispenza & Bruce Lipton identify that we only operate from this limbic part of the brain 5% of the time. Therefore we largely operate on autopilot.

  • If changes that happened yesterday didn't kill us the brain registers it as safe, whether it serves us or not.

  • Understanding this survival mechanism is the first step. Awareness is key to understanding this primitive mechanism & moving beyond it.

  • Through awareness you create your own power of what needs to be changed.

  • Alcohol numbs the limbic brain which offers reprieve from processing the emotions.

  • Men can break the stigma of showing emotion by getting intimate with what they are feeling. Feeling a sense of empowerment by consciously choosing.

  • Increased disease in the lower 3 chakras is common with men, due to how men are operating or suppressing themselves in today's society. Our survival mechanisms are housed in the lower 3 chakras (eg. erectile dysfunction, colon cancer, prostate issues, testicular cancer, adrenal issues - correlate due to stuck energy in the lower chakras).

  • All problems stem from miscommunication. Time & gentleness is needed by women to move through change.

  • Everyone can benefit by giving themselves permission to work on themselves.

Clearing emotions with the Spiral Modality - Sarah Veitch

Episode 2 gives us a chance to meet the beautiful Sarah Veitch & learn what The Spiral modality is & how it can support your health.  What is this incredible technique for shifting & empowering your beliefs & how can you get your hands on it?! 

Her Facebook group is: & her number is +61 424 058 981.  You will be so supported by Sarah.